Student secures AHA predoctoral grant for research
A Wayne State University School of Medicine doctoral student secured a grant from the American Heart Association to support his research into heart failure.
Isaac Baiden, M.B.B.S., B.Sc., now in the third year of his studies as a doctoral student in the Department of Physiology, received a two-year, $70,000 predoctoral grant from the AHA for his project, titled “Tubular mechanism of loop diuretic resistance in a mouse model of heart failure.”
Dr. Baiden works in the lab of Associate Professor of Physiology Pablo Ortiz, Ph.D., in the Hypertension and Vascular Research Division at Henry Ford Health. The lab’s research focus is renal physiology, molecular physiology of ion transport, salt-sensitive hypertension, and genomics of hypertension and new models of cardiovascular disease. He is studying the renal mechanisms leading to decreased kidney function in cardiorenal syndrome type II and loop diuretic resistance.
After securing his doctoral degree, Dr. Baiden plans to become an independent physician/scientist in nephrology and cardiology, and to continue conducting research to advance the understanding of cardiorenal syndrome.